Dementia Friendly Communities
January 8, 2025 (10:00 AM - 11:30 AM) (CST)
Dementia-friendly communities include and support people living with dementia in the places they work, live and play. People living with the disease feel supported by their community members whether they are at post offices, retail outlets, using transportation or enjoying hobbies out in the community. This presentation will provide information on: •Building dementia-friendly communities online course •What it means to be a dementia-friendly community •Characteristics of a dementia-friendly community •What dementia-friendly social and physical environments look like •Alzheimer Society of Manitoba Programs & Services.
A minimum of 10 participants is required for this event to proceed.
This is a free event for RTAM members. Please register in advance to get the log-in code for this seminar.
Winnipeg, MB Canada
This is an online meeting which is accessible anywhere in the world with a WIFI or internet connection. The hosts are located in the RTAM office, 1780 Wellington Avenue, Winnipeg, Manitoba - Canada.
Times are always listed in Central Standard/Daylight Time (CST/CDT).