Seasonal Affective Disorder Meets Holiday Expectations
December 11, 2024 (10:00 AM - 11:30 AM) (CST)
This session will explore the causes, effects and prevalence of seasonal affective disorder, as well as the definition of what is and what is not seasonal affective disorder. We will additionally examine the various times of year when this disorder is more likely to appear, as well as consider treatment options for SAD. The presentation will conclude by investigating how seasonal affective disorder can "set the table:" for further concerns when SAD meets the holiday season "expectations" soon to be upon us. We will also discuss options to "stress inoculate" ourselves from this impending situation. Spoiler Alert: Recent closed circuit televised boxing matches can't "sew a patch" on SAD meeting up with Holiday Expectations"!!!!! At the request of the presenter, this session will not be recorded.
A minimum of 10 participants are required for this event to proceed.
This is a free event for RTAM members. Please register in advance to get the log-in code for this seminar.
Winnipeg, Canada
This is an online meeting which is accessible anywhere in the world with a WIFI or internet connection. The hosts are located in the RTAM office, 1780 Wellington Avenue, Winnipeg, Manitoba - Canada.
Times are always listed in Central Standard/Daylight Time (CST/CDT).
Online Webinars